we are Summer Camp
Helping to build a healthier and more racially just tomorrow, one young activist at a time.
we are 1st-2nd Grade Summer Camp 2023
Register NOW!
¡Inscripciónes ya Abiertas!
Register NOW! ¡Inscripciónes ya Abiertas!
visión general
we are patrocina dos campamentos de verano cada año. En estos campamentos, hemos capacitado a educadores antirracistas que enseñan a los niños de los grados 1 a 5 sobre la raza, el racismo, su impacto en las comunidades y cómo resistir activamente el racismo en nuestras comunidades.
Este año, estamos patrocinando cuatro campamentos de verano de una semana de duración para niños de 1.° a 2.° grado y de 3.° a 5.° grado.
El costo de la registración para el campamento es de $325, que incluye cinco (5) libros de justicia social por campista! Las becas y el transporte están disponibles para las familias que tienen una necesidad económica.
Envíe un correo electrónico a admin@weare-nc.org si tiene preguntas.
we are sponsors two summer camps every year. In these camps we have trained anti-racist educators teaching children grades 1-5 about race, racism, its impact on communities, and how to actively resist racism in our communities.
This year, we’re sponsoring four, week-long summer camps for kids in rising 1st-2nd grade and rising 3rd-5th grade.
Registration per camp is $325, which includes five (5) social justice books per camper! Scholarships & transportation are available for families who have a financial need.
Email admin@weare-nc.org for questions.
we are 1st-2nd Grade Summer Camp 2023
we are 3rd-5th Grade Summer Camp 2023
we are Learning
In June 2024, we had about 39, 1st-2nd graders join us, some for the first time, to engage in meaningful conversations about race, racism, anti-racism and activism!
we are Growing
In the July 2023, we had 48, 3rd-5th graders join us for an unforgettable we are Summer Camp experience. Many of these campers have been with we are since 1st grade!
Frequently Asked Questions
we are Summer Camp is an anti-racism camp that teaches children in grades 1-5 about race, racism, its impact on communities, and how to actively resist racism in our communities.
Registration for camp opens on February 1st at 12noon, every year.
1st - 2nd Grade Camp: June 16-20, 2025
3rd-5th Grade Camp: July 7-11, 2025
Camp will run Monday through Friday from 8am - 3:00pm
While the content of each day may look different, here is a sample of the daily schedule that we follow.
we are Summer Camps are for rising 1st-5th Grade (2025-2026 school year) children who want to learn how to be anti-racism activists in their communities!
To be Determined
Greensboro Location
To Be Determined
The we are Summer Camps provides aftercare only. Aftercare will run until 5:30pm and it is an additional fee per child.
We can provide lunch and two snacks, however, there will be a question on the registration form that asks if you'd prefer your child to have a camp lunch or home lunch. This will help us plan more effectively and avoid wasting food.
If your child has any dietary restrictions or allergies be sure to note that on the registration form.
The Summer Camp fee is $325 per child, per camp.
This includes five (5) free books per child, a camp t-shirt, a we are bag and lunch and snacks (if you opt in).
Each day of camp lunch and a morning and afternoon snack (if you opt in for food to be provided by the camp t your child).
In addition to food, campers will also receive a we are camp t-shirt, and five (5) books to begin, or continue, building a home library of books by authors of color about characters of color!
Yes! we are offers Full and Partial Scholarships.
While you can pay for camp right away, the payment due to date is March 3, 2025.
When the waitlist for camp goes up, that means we’re approaching maximum capacity for the camps and need to slow things down to make sure we do not go over. We simply ask for patience if you are placed on the waitlist. One of the we are Team members will follow up with each individual family on the waitlist to notify them of their status no later than Feb. 28th.